Movie showtimes
Returns a list of showtimes for specified movie in local US and Canadian theatres, based on a given geography (zip/postal code or latitude/longitude).
Response data will be sorted by theatre distance and showtime.
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Mandatory? |
Description |
movieId | Yes | tmsId or rootId of movie |
startDate | Yes | Start date, formatted yyyy-mm-dd. Current date or greater. |
numDays | No | Number of days for which to return showtimes. Theatres generally release showtimes by week, Fri-Thurs. Some advance ticket showtimes for major releases may be available up to 90 days in advance. Default is 1. Value must be between 1 and 90. |
zip |
No |
Postal code (US or Canadian) Must supply either zip/postal code or coordinates. |
lat | No | Latitude; valid values are between -90 and 90. Must supply either zip/postal code or coordinates. |
lng | No | Longitude; valid values are between -180 and 180. Must supply either zip/postal code or coordinates. |
radius | No | Range to search from initial location. Maximum is 100 mi (160 km). Defaults to 5. |
units | No | Unit of measurement for radius parameter. Valid values are mi or km. Defaults to miles. Also specifies unit of measurement for distance field in response. |
imageSize | No | Requested size of image returned in preferredImage URI. Valid values are: Sm, Md, Lg, Ms. See Image Sizing for details. If not specified, defaults to Md. If requested image size is not available, generic image will be returned. |
imageText |
No |
Boolean indicating preference for image types with text (banners) or without text (iconics). If requested preference is not available, image selection will continue to next type (banner/iconic), before finally returning generic if no image found. Defaults to true for text preference. |
api_key |
Yes |
24-character key obtained during application registration |
Response Body
Response |
Description |
tmsId | Resource identifier for movie |
rootId | Numeric resource identifier for program; parent id for all program variations in languages and versions |
title | Movie title, as set for release |
titleLang | 2-letter language abbreviation code (e.g., 'en'=English, 'sp'=Spanish) |
shortDescription | Movie description, maximum 100 characters. |
descriptionLang | 2-letter language abbreviation code (e.g., 'en'=English, 'sp'=Spanish) |
ratings | Ratings metadata, if available |
body | Ratings body; currently returning only MPAA ratings for movies |
code | Ratings code (e.g., G, PG, PG-13) |
genres | Comma-separated list of movie genres (e.g., Romance, Horror, Comedy) |
topCast | Comma-separated list of top 3 cast member names, if available. |
preferredImage | Movie image, if available; see Image Metadata for details |
releaseYear | Original year of release, regardless of release country |
qualityRating | Critial ratings metadata, if available. |
ratingsBody | Critial reviewer; currently returning only TMS quality ratings |
value | Number of stars (for TMS ratings, 1-4 stars) |
officialUrl | Official movie website, if available |
runTime | Movie duration, specified in ISO-8601 format; PTxxHyyM = xx hours, yy minutes |
showtimes | List of showtimes objects with the following elements: |
theatre | Theatre object with the following elements: |
id | Resource identifier for theatre |
name | Theatre name |
barg | Boolean indicating bargain or matinee pricing for showtime |
dateTime | Movie showtime, in the theater’s local time zone. |
ticketURI | For Fandango-affiliated theatres, partial link to online Fandango ticketing. A Fandango affiliate agreement is needed for full use of online ticketing. TMS Sales representatives can provide additional information on this service. |
quals | Also referred to as 'General Settings' by theatres. These are attributes or services specific to the screen or auditorium where a title is playing for the given showtime. Examples are No Passes, Stadium Seating, Digital Presentation. Multiple values are delimited by '|'. |
entityType | Program type (Movie) |
Sample Request
Sample Response
"tmsId": "MV003903970000",
"rootId": "9128357",
"title": "Argo",
"titleLang": "en",
"shortDescription": "A CIA agent hatches a risky plan to get six Americans out of Tehran during the Iran hostage crisis.",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"ratings": [ { "body": "Motion Picture Association of America", "code": "R" } ],
"genres": ["Historical drama", "Thriller"],
"topCast": ["Ben Affleck", "Bryan Cranston", "Alan Arkin" ],
"preferredImage": {
"uri": "movieposters/v5/AllPhotos/9128357/p9128357_p_v5_aa.jpg",
"height": "360",
"width": "240",
"primary": "true",
"category": "Poster Art",
"caption": { "content": "Argo (2012)", "lang": "en" }
"releaseYear": 2012,
"qualityRating": { "ratingsBody": "TMS", "value": "3.5" },
"officialUrl": "",
"runTime": "PT02H00M",
"showtimes": [
"theatre": {"id": "5936", "name": "Regal City North Stadium 14"},
"barg": false,
"dateTime": "2012-12-08T19:05",
"theatre": {"id": "5936", "name": "Regal City North Stadium 14"},
"barg": false,
"dateTime": "2012-12-08T22:05",
"entityType": "Movie"