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Get information about upcoming live sports events and sports-related programming, for an ever-expanding array of 70+ televised sports.

  • Sports listing - find IDs for available sports genres, from archery to wrestling
  • Sports event airings - find schedule information for upcoming showings of live sport events
  • Sports non-event airings - find schedule information for upcoming showings of taped events or related sports programming, such as sports talk shows
  • Universities - find IDs for universities which are tracked by TMS; typically includes Division I schools, and schools which have played Division I opponents
  • Teams by organization - find IDs for teams belonging to sports organizations tracked by TMS
  • Teams by university -  find IDs for college teams using University ID
  • Team details - get information such as team nickname, logo, and abbreviation for one or more teams
  • Team airings - get TV schedule information for one or more teams
  • Organization airings - get TV schedule information for one or more sports organizations