• Register

Program images


Returns all available image references and image metadata associated with specified program. Available image categories and sizes will differ by program type.

TV Shows: Banner, Iconic, Episode, Program Logo, Cast Ensemble, Cast in Character
Movies: Box Art, Poster Art, Scene Still (Photo), Iconic
Sports Organizations and Conferences: Logo
Stations: Logo
Celebs: Headshot

Optional imageText parameter allows filtering response to include only image categories with or without text treatment. 
   categories with text: Banner, Staple, Program Logo, Logo, Box Art, Poster Art
   categories without text: Iconic, Episode, Cast Ensemble, Cast in Character, Scene Still

* Some legacy movie posters and scene stills may be available only in non-standard sizes; if imageSize parameter is specified, these will be excluded. To see all available images regardless of size or aspect ratio, omit imageSize and imageAspectTV parameters from request.

Response data will be sorted by image type, in order specified for TV Programs and Movies above.

Request Parameters




resourceId Yes tmsId or rootId of program 
imageSize No Requested size of image returned in preferredImage URI.
Valid values are: Sm, Md, Lg, Ms. See Image Sizing for details.
If not specified, all available image sizes will be returned.



Requested aspect ratio (horizontal by vertical) for TV show images
Valid values are: 1x1, 2x3, 3x4, 4x3, 16x9
If not specified, all available aspect ratios will be returned.

imageText No

Boolean to return only image categories with/without text. If true, will return all images categories with text treatment; if false, will return image categories without text treatment. If not specified (default), will return all image categories.



24-character key obtained during application registration

Response Body



uri relative path to image source file 
height image height, in pixels
width image width, in pixels
size new in v1.1; Sm, Md, Lg, Ms. See Image Sizing for details; will be empty for legacy-size movie images
aspect new in v1.1; 1x1, 2x3, 3x4, 4x3, 16x9; will be empty for legacy-size movie images
primary primary=true indicates preferred image; if field not present, indicates secondary image
category image type (e.g., Logo, Banner, Poster, Cast Ensemble);
see Image Metadata for category descriptions
tier image tier, indicating relative program level of image content for TV program images. Tiers include Series, Season, Episode, Team Event (new) Organization, Team and Sport.
text new in v1.1; yes/no indication of text inclusion in image content; based on image category as noted in Image Metadata
branded (per 01/14 2019) Branded images include the show network logo on program banners and VOD art. See sample below
    prgSvcId The programming service whose logo is on the image.
    callsign The service callsign whose logo is on the image.
caption Image caption, where available. Primarily used for cast in character, cast ensemble descriptions.
content Caption text; may include title, person name, year
lang 2-letter language abbreviation code (e.g., 'en'=English, 'sp'=Spanish), using IETF language tags
personIds Comma-separated list of resource identifiers for celebrities appearing in image; provided for Cast in Character and Cast Ensemble images

Sample Request


Sample Response

      "content":"Peter Jacobson as Dr. Chris Taub",
    "category":"Cast in Character",
      "content":"Jesse Spencer, Charlyne Yi, Omar Epps, Peter Jacobson, Odette Annable and Robert Sean Leonard (from left)",
    "category":"Cast Ensemble",

Sample 'Branded' Image

  {"width": "960",
"height": "1440",
"uri": "assets/p8130405_b_v8_ao.jpg",
"size": "Ms",
"aspect": "2x3",
"category": "Banner-L1",
"text": "yes",
"primary": "true",
"tier": "Series"
"branded": {
"prgSvcId": "10098",
"callsign": "CBS"

