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New shows aired last week


Returns program information for television shows and episodes that aired new or live for a given date up to 7 days back. Only shows and episodes will be returned; movies and sports are excluded from response. This API could be used together with Online Video Data APIs to find original programming material from past week and offer alternative online viewing options.

Response data will be sorted by original air date, descending. 

Request Parameters

Parameter Mandatory? Description
startDate Yes Start date, must be current day or within past 7 days.
Format yyyy-mm-dd.
endDate No End date, must be no more than 7 days after start date.
Defaults to startDate. Format yyyy-mm-dd.
includeAdult No Boolean indicating whether to include adult TV shows in response. Defaults to false.
imageSize No Valid values are: Sm, Md, Lg, Ms. See Image Sizing for details.
If not specified, defaults to Md.
If requested image size is not available, generic image will be returned.
imageAspectTV No Requested aspect ratio (horizontal by vertical) for TV show images
Valid values are: 2x3, 3x4, 4x3, 16x9
If not specified, defaults to 2x3
If requested aspect ratio is not available, generic image will be returned.
imageText No

Boolean indicating preference for image types with text (banners) or without text (iconics). If requested preference is not available, image selection will continue to next type (banner/iconic), before finally returning generic if no image found. Defaults to true for text preference.

api_key Yes 24-character key obtained during application registration

Response Body



tmsId TMS-generated 14-character alphanumeric identifier for program record; first 2 characters generally identify program type (SH=show/series, EP=episode)
title program title; for episode records, this is series title
titleLang 2-letter language abbreviation code (e.g., 'en'=English, 'sp'=Spanish)
program description, maximum 100 characters
program description, maximum 1000 characters
2-letter language abbreviation code (e.g., 'en'=English, 'sp'=Spanish)
genres comma-separated list of program genres (e.g., Romance, Comedy, News)
topCast comma-separated list of top 3 cast member names, in billing order
origAirDate also known as OAD, date of original TV airing; format is yyyy-mm-dd
preferredImage program image, if available; see Image Metadata for details
episodeTitle episodes only; episode-specific title
seasonNum episodes only; season number; will not be provided for non-seasonal shows such as soap operas
episodeNum episodes only; episode number within season
entityType type of program: show, episode, special

Sample Request

Return information for lineupId acquired by calling /lineups.


Sample Response

    "title":"Match Made in Heaven",
    "episodeTitle":"The Garden of Eden",
    "longDescription":"Pastor Ken Johnson helps Shawn to find \"the one\"; a woman's secret lifestyle is discovered.",
    "shortDescription":"Pastor Ken Johnson helps Shawn to find \"the one\"; a woman's secret lifestyle is discovered.",
        "name":"Ken Johnson"
        "name":"Shawn Bullard"
        "role":"Executive Producer",
        "name":"Andrew Glassman"
        "role":"Executive Producer",
        "name":"Jeff Gaspin"
        "role":"Executive Producer",
        "name":"Lauren Gellert"
        "role":"Executive Producer",
        "name":"Suzanne Murch"
    "title":"Melissa & Joey",
    "episodeTitle":"Failure to Communicate",
    "longDescription":"When Joe insists he can fix the family's ailing computer, Mel hires an expert to secretly repair the device in time for a birthday video chat with Ryder.",
    "shortDescription":"Mel hires an expert to repair the family's computer, despite Joe's claims he can fix the machine.",
        "name":"Melissa Joan Hart",
        "characterName":"Mel Burke"
        "name":"Joey Lawrence",
        "characterName":"Joe Longo"
        "name":"Taylor Spreitler",
        "characterName":"Lennox Scanlon"
        "name":"Nick Robinson",
        "characterName":"Ryder Scanlon"
        "role":"Executive Producer",
        "name":"Bob Young"
        "role":"Executive Producer",
        "name":"David Kendall"
        "role":"Executive Producer",
        "name":"Paula Hart"
        "role":"Executive Producer",
        "name":"Melissa Joan Hart"
        "role":"Executive Producer",
        "name":"Joey Lawrence"
        "body":"USA Parental Rating"
  ... additional programs ...