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Theatres by postal code


Returns a list of active US or Canadian theatres based on geographic information: US or Canadian postal code, or latitude/longitude coordinates.

Response data will be sorted by distance from requested location.

Request Parameters






Postal code (US or Canada)
Must supply either postal code or coordinates.
lat No Latitude; valid values are between -90 and 90.
Must supply either postal code or coordinates.
lng No Longitude; valid values are between -180 and 180.
Must supply either postal code or coordinates.
numTheatres No Maximum number of theatres to return in response. If not specified, response will include all theatres within specified radius.
radius No Range to search from initial location. Maximum is 100 mi (160 km).
Defaults to 5.
units No Unit of measurement for radius parameter. Valid values are mi or km. Defaults to miles.
Also specifies unit of measurement for distance field in response.
api_key Yes 24-character key obtained during application registration

Response Body



theatreId Resource identifier for theatre
name Theatre name
location Object containing the following:
distance Distance from center of postal code, or distance from coordinates; given in units specified by 'units' parameter.
address Object containing the following:
street Street address, line 1
street2 Street address, line 2, if available
city City
state State abbreviation
postalCode Postal code
country USA or CAN
telephone Telephone number, format XXX-XXX-XXXX
geoCode Object containing the following:
longitude Longitude coordinate of theatre
latitude Latitude coordinate of theatre

Sample Request

Return all theatres within 5 miles of US zipcode 78701.


Sample Response

    "theatreId": "2469",
    "name": "Paramount Theatre",
    "location": {
        "distance": 0.146618,
        "telephone": "512-472-5470",
        "geoCode": {
            "latitude": "30.2691",
            "longitude": "-97.7423"
        "address": {
            "street": "713 Congress Ave",
            "state": "TX",
            "city": "Austin",
            "country": "USA",
            "postalCode": "78701"
}, {
    "theatreId": "9489",
    "name": "Alamo Drafthouse at the Ritz",
    "location": {
        "distance": 0.283166,
        "telephone": "512-476-1320",
        "geoCode": {
            "latitude": "30.2673",
            "longitude": "-97.7401"
        "address": {
            "street": "320 East 6th St.",
            "state": "TX",
            "city": "Austin",
            "country": "USA",
            "postalCode": "78701"
}, {
    "theatreId": "10420",
    "name": "Violet Crown Cinema",
    "location": {
        "distance": 0.548327,
        "telephone": "512-495-9600",
        "geoCode": {
            "latitude": "30.2653",
            "longitude": "-97.7479"
        "address": {
            "street": "434 W. 2nd St",
            "state": "TX",
            "city": "Austin",
            "country": "USA",
            "postalCode": "78701"