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TMS Media Cloud

Managing images is a delicate balance.

Cloud-based image delivery helps you focus on the goal.

TMS Media Cloud provides on-demand, web-scale delivery of entertainment images to TMS customers. Our service is based on a scalable and highly reliable image-serving platform that has served billions of images to end users. 

Why TMS Media Cloud?

  • Avoid the costs of image server infrastructure and operations
    • Scalability
    • Geography
    • Uptime
  • Save on development resources and focus on your core competencies
  • Enjoy design flexibility free of image size constraints
  • Reduce time to market for new applications

Media Cloud Features

  • Full scalability through leading content delivery network
  • High availability
  • On-the-fly custom image sizing
  • Can be used with complete TMS catalog of TV, movie, and celebrity images
  • Media Cloud removes barriers to using images in new applications
    • No need to download, process, store or serve millions of images
    • Easily experiment with image sizing as necessary during development

Full Compatibility for Current Customers

  • Turnkey compatibility with image paths based on FTP product -- just "find and replace"
    • Current image path on customer server: images.customer.com/image_path
    • New image path: customer.tmsimg.com/image_path (the image path is the same as above)

Find Out More

See the full Media Cloud documentation